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Automotive Cybersecurity

Stay up to speed with automotive cybersecurity standards.


The automotive ecosystem is a complex network of interconnected electronic components and integrations, amplifying the challenge of safeguarding against potential hardware vulnerabilities. In the age of smart cars and autonomous driving, automotive manufacturers face unique cybersecurity challenges. Safeguarding the intricate web of electronic components, from ECUs to sensors, is paramount. The intersection of hardware and software creates vulnerabilities that demand a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity.

Security IP Integration Challenges

As vehicle technology advances, so do the standards and regulations that govern them to ensure vehicle safety. Meeting industry-specific cybersecurity standards and regulations, such as  ISO/SAE 21434 and UNECE #155, becomes a crucial focus for automotive suppliers and manufacturers.


Guarding Against Cyber Threats

In an era where cars are becoming sophisticated connected devices, the risk of cyber threats looms large. Ensuring the security of onboard computers, electronic control units (ECUs), and communication networks is essential to prevent unauthorized access, tampering, and potential malicious control of the vehicle. Hardware security is the first line of defense against cyber-attacks targeting vehicles.

Protecting Sensitive Data

Modern vehicles process and store an abundance of sensitive data, ranging from personal preferences to navigation history. Robust hardware security safeguards this information against unauthorized access, ensuring the privacy and protection of driver and passenger data. The trust placed in automotive manufacturers to handle this data responsibly relies on effective hardware security measures.

How Radix Helps Automotive Security


Fundamental to the security of IoT, automotive, and datacenters is the security of the SoCs that power them. Verify the security of increasingly complex SoCs with Radix.

Roots of Trust

Hardware roots of trust have become the foundation of semiconductor security. See how you can build a more secure system with hardware security assurance from Cycuity.


Microcontrollers are responsible for the core functionality of embedded devices in consumer electronics, cars, medical devices and more. Securing their operation is critical for product safety and security.

Application Processors

Modern microprocessors are core to the applications that power cars, data centers, and mobile phones. As their performance has grown, so have their vulnerabilities.


The industry’s formal list of common hardware weaknesses is the Common Weakness Enumeration, a list created and curated by MITRE. For organizations seeking a “secure by design” approach, testing against the CWE list is critical.

See How Radix Can Improve Your Automotive Security

Drive Automotive Security Forward with Radix