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Ready to leverage CWEs with Radix?

MITRE’s hardware Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) database aggregates hardware weaknesses that are the root causes of vulnerabilities in deployed parts. In this 100+ page guide, each CWE is listed along with a Radix template Security Rule that can be filled in with design-specific signals and used as a baseline test for the respective CWE.

To learn more about a specific CWE, follow the link in the CWE name at the beginning of the section referring to that CWE. Cycuity recommends that projects follow a Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) in addition to using security tools. Using this guide along with the MITRE Hardware CWE list, hardware security and development teams can take advantage of a 5-step process to streamline threat modeling and validation within their SDL, prior to committing a hardware design to silicon.